New Topographics

All of our prints are produced using the best equipment in the industry including the Giclée process with ultrachrome HDR archival inks on the very best media possible. This will give you a production that will last for up to 200 years with no fading or deterioration in your home! These are not local photolab (i.e. Walmart or Costco) Quality but rather they are true professional quality prints created by hand by the artist. These are works of art, not just reproductions.

This is a series I have begun inspired by the early movement “New Topographics” and specifically Frank Gohlke and his grain elevator series. I will be adding more to this series as time permits.

What is “New Topographics?”

A turning point in the history of photography, the 1975 exhibition New Topographics signaled a radical shift away from traditional depictions of landscape. Pictures of transcendent natural vistas gave way to unromanticized views of stark industrial landscapes, suburban sprawl, and everyday scenes not usually given a second glance. This exhibition included the work of 10 photographers: Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Joe Deal, Frank Gohlke, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott, Stephen Shore, and Henry Wessel.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art